Oppo F25 Pro 5G was launched in the Indian market just a few weeks ago. This phone has been designed in such a smart way that you get to see features like waterproof and waterproof in it. Also, the camera present in it is also said to be good. In this, you will be given the facility of up to 1TB of storage. Along with giving great pictures, its price has also been kept quite affordable. People are looking for the right information about it, so let’s know all the information related to it in today’s blog.
Oppo F25 Pro 5G Display
The company has installed a very good display screen in it which is 6.7 inches (17.02 cm); AMOLED,1080×2412 px (FHD+). Talking about its other details, you will get about 120 Hz refresh rate in it. Along with this, you have been given a bezel-less display with a punch-hole.
Oppo F25 Pro 5G Processor
Not only this, the processor also works very fast, in this you get to see MediaTek Dimensity 7050. which the company has provided with Octa Core (2.6 GHz, Dual Core + 2 GHz, Hexa Core) 8 GB RAM support, due to the combination of these two, its speed increases to a great extent, you will definitely get the benefit of this in doing tasks like multitasking, you can also use it for games.
Oppo F25 Pro 5G Camera
This smartphone has a great camera, using which you can do great photography, in this you have been given a triple camera setup which is 64 MP (up to 10x digital zoom) wide angle primary camera, 8 MP ultra-wide angle camera, 2 MP macro camera. Video recording will also be available. Talking about the front camera, it will be 30 megapixels. Long term battery power is 5000 mAh battery which comes with 67W Super VOOC charging, in this you are going to get USB Type-C port.
Oppo F25 Pro 5G Price
Talking about the price, there are two variants in it, whose price will be something like this: 8 GB + 128 GB – Rs 20,740 ; 8 GB + 256 GB – Rs25,999 . Looking at these features, this price seems affordable. If you want to buy a 5G smartphone at a low price, then consider this smartphone.
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Wow! This is super great. I love OPPO. always durable and reliable
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